Most people do not think of their dental health as an emergency the same way they would think of a broken bone or a severe injury. However, dental emergencies can be just as serious and require immediate attention. 

It is essential to seek help as soon as possible when a dental emergency arises, as it can help to reduce long-term complications. If you were in an accident that impacted your mouth and teeth, it is best to contact your emergency dentist and have them treat you right away.

Scenarios That Require the Attention of an Emergency Dentist 

Simple accidents such as a knocked-out tooth or filling can quickly escalate into a grievous injury if left untreated.

Here are five signs you need to call an emergency dentist immediately:

1. Severe Toothache

Suppose you are experiencing a sudden and sharp toothache that lasts more than a few minutes. In that case, it is essential to seek medical attention from an emergency dentist as soon as possible. 

Various issues, including cavities, tooth decay, an infection, or an injury, can cause toothaches. Regardless of the cause, it’s essential to get the problem looked at immediately to prevent further damage to your teeth and gums. 

When you visit an emergency dentist, they will first examine your mouth to determine the cause of the toothache. They may take X-rays or other imaging tests to get a better look at the issue. After the examination, the dentist will discuss your best treatment options. Depending on the cause of the toothache, treatment may include fillings, root canals, extractions, antibiotics, or other treatments. 

2. Swelling

Swelling around the mouth or face is a concerning symptom you should not ignore. It can be a sign of infection and should be treated as soon as possible. If you experience any swelling around your mouth or face, it is essential to seek the help of an emergency dentist.

An abscess is a common infection that can cause swelling around the mouth or face. It is caused by tooth decay, trauma, gum disease, or a foreign object lodged in the gum.

3. Broken Tooth

Broken teeth can have jagged edges that can cut into the soft tissues of the mouth, and they can also cause infection if left untreated. The emergency dentist will be able to assess the situation and determine if they can save the tooth or if it needs to be extracted. 

If they can save the tooth, the dentist will provide treatment to repair it, such as a root canal or a crown. If the tooth cannot be saved, it will need to be extracted, and a replacement tooth will need to be provided.

4. Bleeding Gums

If you experience bleeding gums, this could be a sign of an underlying problem, and it is essential to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. Bleeding gums are a symptom of periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss and other serious health complications if left untreated. The emergency dentist can diagnose the cause of the bleeding gums and provide treatment to help stop the bleeding and prevent further damage.

5. Lost Filling or Crown

If you have lost a filling or crown, it is vital to take action immediately to avoid further damage. While a missing filling or crown may not seem like a severe issue, it can lead to various oral health problems if left untreated. 


Dental emergencies can be highly stressful and painful, and it is vital to take action immediately to avoid any further damage. If you experience any dental emergency, contact your dentist right away to discuss the best treatment plan. With prompt and proper care, emergency dentists can successfully treat most dental emergencies, and you can return to enjoying your smile.

Simple injuries like a knocked-out tooth can lead to bigger problems if left untreated. Go see an emergency dentist in Chelmsford before it’s too late. Contact Chelmsford Dental Specialists Group today to learn more.